I’m taking January off from podcasting, but I wanted to give you all something while I was away, and this interview with Daniel Sih from SpaceMakers seemed an ideal place to start.
I read Daniel’s book when I last was on retreat and I found it really challenging as I looked at my phone use and tried to figure out just how addicted I was. I’ve since changed my behaviour, just a little, and I try to use my phone a lot less on my weekly Sabbath. I think there are more changes that I can make.
I realised as I read the book that Daniel lives in the same state as me, so I decided it would be a good idea to have a longer interview with him, and I decided to get Scottie in on the action too.
So today’s episode is the interview with Daniel, Scottie and me that aired on Ultra106.5 in December. Daniel has so much good stuff to say about our interactions with technology and he’s not totally down on it, he appreciates the good of it too.
I hope you enjoy this interview, and the special summer podcast I have coming up in a fortnight or so too. Regular chats about productivity and living a quiet life will start again in February.
You can find Daniel’s book here.